Tuesday 11 March 2014

**Great Tips for Home Fire Safety**

Great Tips for Home Fire Safety

1. Install & test smoke detectors
Properly installing and testing smoke detectors is one of the easiest steps to enhance your chances of survival in a fire. Smoke detectors should be installed on every level of your home (including the basement) and outside every bedroom. Detectors should be tested every month and the batteries replaced at least once a year. Also, never borrow the smoke detector battery for use in another appliance.

2. Have an escape plan and meeting place
In the event a fire does occur, it is important to have an established escape plan and meeting place outside the building. Practice your escape plan with the entire family so that everyone is familiar with it. Your meeting place should also be something everyone in the family is familiar with, such as a tree in the front yard, the end of the driveway, or a neighbor's house. Once everyone is out of the house and at the meeting place, be sure that no one goes back inside the house and wait there for the fire department.

3. Eliminate careless smoking
Careless smoking continues to be the number one leading cause of fire related deaths in the United States. Be sure to never smoke in bed or when you are drowsy. Empty ashtrays only after they are cool and check between cushions for any accidentally discarded ashes or cigarettes.

4. Cook Safely
Never leave your cooking unattended and keep the cooking area clean of combustibles such towels and paper products. Turn pot handles away from the edge of the stove so they cannot be accidentally knocked off the stove. If a grease fire occurs, do not use water!! Slide a lid over the pan to smother the fire.

5. Matches & Lighters are not Toys
Keeping matches & lighters out of the reach of young children is another way to have a fire safe home. If you do use a lighter, be sure to use a child proof one. Teach young children not to touch any lighters or matches and to tell a grown up immediately.

6. Use Electricity Safely
Do not overload electrical outlets or use an excessive amount of extension cords. Any unused outlets should have covers over them to prevent a child from being injured.

7. Crawl Low under Smoke
If a fire does occur, be sure to stay low and crawl under smoke. Because smoke rises, the air closest to the floor is cleaner.

8. Stop, drop & roll
If your clothes catch fire, remember to remain calm, and stop, drop to the ground and cover your face with your hands and roll back and fourth until the fire is out.

9. Store flammable liquids in a safe place
Make sure any flammable liquids such as gasoline and paint thinner are stored in fire safe containers and away from any appliances such as heaters.

10. Have a fire extinguisher in your home

Make sure everyone in the house is familiar with where the extinguisher is located and how to use it.

Appex Fire Safety Solutions "SAFETY ABOVE EVERYTHING"

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